Sheffield College

Dilshan's Inspiring Journey: From Sri Lanka to Porsche in Just 7 Months!

One of the biggest fears for international students coming to Australia is how to study and work in Australia. Today, we want to share the inspiring story of Dilshan, a Filipino student who not only managed to live, study, and work in Australia but is also now a candidate for a sponsorship visa in the country!

The Journey Begins: Studying in Australia

In October 2022, at the early age of 18, Dilshan embarked on a life-changing journey from Sri Lanka to Sheffield College. Filled with dreams and a burning desire for success, he arrived in Adelaide, South Australia, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead.

Dilshan chose one of our comprehensive packages, which included Certificates III and IV in Light Vehicle Mechanical Technology. This allowed him to acquire extensive skills in the field and stand out in the job market with two certifications.

Despite the language barriers, cultural differences, and being far away from home, Dilshan quickly adapted to the lifestyle in Adelaide. He began his theoretical and practical classes and eventually moved on to his field placement hours, where he had the first opportunity to experience what it was like to work in real companies.

Finding Employment as an International Student

After completing his field placement hours, Dilshan was determined to achieve his next goal: securing his first job in a company in South Australia. He knew that this would pave the way for future opportunities, such as applying for a sponsorship visa or permanent residency in Australia.

He started his job search on SEEK, one of the best apps for finding employment in Australia. After creating his profile, and uploading his experience and knowledge, he began applying for jobs. The good news arrived sooner than expected!

Dilshan’s exceptional talent and work ethic caught the attention of Porsche, a prestigious automotive company in South Australia. Impressed by his skills, Porsche offered him his first job. Needless to say, he was delighted!

Studying and Working in Australia

Today, Dilshan is working at the Australian company while completing his studies. Having the opportunity to apply what he has learned in class to his own job has allowed him to gain confidence, accelerate his learning process, and stand out. In fact, the company has offered him the chance to apply for a sponsorship visa once his study visa is completed.

Dilshan's Message of Inspiration

Dilshan’s story is a great inspiration for those considering studying in Australia, developing their careers, and even dreaming of permanent residence. It showcases the rewards of hard work, resilience, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. If you’re ready to embark on your own path to success, don’t wait any longer! Call us at +61 8 8231 6911 or email

Remember, the possibilities are limitless when you have the determination to chase your dreams.  Be the next Dilshan and let your success story begins!

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