Sheffield College

From an international student to a professional with a part-time job in Australia.

Today, we present you Javier’s story. A young Filipino who came to Australia as a student and is now a part of the CMI Toyota team in Adelaide.

Step 1: Choosing the right path

Javier Kane’s story begins with the decision to start his studies at Sheffield College. He opted for one of our packages, knowing that this would develop a more comprehensive professional profile that would help him stand out in the job market.

He started with the Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mechanical Technology (AUR30620), during which students must complete a certain number of work placement hours. To support them in this process, Sheffield has developed partnerships with over 40 automotive companies in South Australia. Each semester, students are matched with these companies one by one to have their first professional experience in Australia. Javier was assigned to CMI Toyota.

Seizing the opportunity to shine

The field placement hours program is an incredible opportunity for students to showcase their efficiency and abilities. And Javier didn’t let it go to waste.

During his 384 work placement hours, Javier demonstrated exceptional work ethic, technical skills, and a genuine passion for the automotive industry. Impressed by his performance, CMI Toyota offered him a part-time position upon completing his Certificate III course.

This incredible achievement not only highlighted Javier’s technical abilities but also showcased his ability to thrive in a professional environment.

With the support of Sheffield College, Javier eagerly accepted the part-time position at CMI Toyota while continuing his educational journey. He is currently enrolled in the Diploma of Automotive Technology program, further enhancing his knowledge and skills in the field.

Javier Kane at Sheffield College's automotive campus, surrounded by cutting-edge equipment and a vibrant learning environment.
Javier Kane in our Automotive Campus.

Your turn!

avier Kane’s success story demonstrates the potential of work placement opportunities in shaping fruitful careers. Sheffield College is proud to nurture such dedication and skill, opening doors to exciting professional opportunities. 

Ready to embark on your own journey? Contact us at +61 8 8231 6911 or email Start shaping your future today!

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