Sheffield College

Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management




This qualification reflects the role of individuals who will apply specialised knowledge & skills, together with experience in leadership & management, across a range of enterprise & industry contexts using initiative & judgement to plan & implement a range of leadership & management functions, with accountability for personal & team outcomes within broad parameters. They use cognitive & communication skills to identify, analyse & synthesise information from a variety of sources & transfer their knowledge to others, & creative or conceptual skills to express ideas & perspectives or respond to complex problems.

Entry requirements

Have successfully completed a Diploma or Advanced Diploma from the BSB Training Package or have two years equivalent full-time relevant workplace experience in an operational or leadership role in an enterprise. students may be required to take LLN test

Career Opportunities

Possible career outcomes include:

  • Senior Executive
  • Operations Manager
  • Office Manager
  • Business Executive
  • Team Leader
  • Corporate Consultant


Every Month

Course Codes

COURSE Code-BSB60420
CRICOS Code-107335K

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